Guide for authors

International Journal of Biology and Nanobiomaterials publishes high quality original research reports, short communications, and review papers in the fields of biological sciences, macromolecules, nanotechnology, and regenerative medicine. On submission of the manuscript to the journal, it is understood that the work has not been previously published (For Eg. the form of an abstract, results, and discussion and photos) in any other journals or websites and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If a manuscript is accepted for publication in our journal, then the authors should not publish the same manuscript in any other languages in other journals.

Research paper: The original research paper should provide a detailed and actual account of the findings that define the entire manuscript. It should scientifically explain the results and discussion section. The paper must include all the key information about the author(s), abstract, and keywords on the title page.  There is no page limit for full length original research papers.

Short communication:  Short researches are preliminary reports that deal with innovative methods, techniques, new findings, and their application. Short research communications should be limited to 2500 words. It should incorporate an abstract that briefly explains the backbone of research work, introduction, materials and methods (should not provide subtitles in materials and methods), results and discussion (subdivision should be merged), and a final conclusion section. The reference number is limited to 25 and tables/ figures are limited to 5.

Review:  The review paper should summarize contemporary issues (past three years) and provide future directions. Review articles should be developed by research groups guided by professors or scientists who have in depth knowledge on the review topic. It should contain a minimum of two illustrations/figures.

Case report: The submission should describe the novel clinical study of various diagnoses and health relevant challenges during the treatment. It should explain the treatment and the curing process with evidence in the manuscript. The case report should not be more than 4 to 5 pages. It should consist of abstract, keywords (3 to 5 words), case reports (include patient medical history, symptoms, laboratory reports, and treatment details), discussion with previous reports, and a conclusion. Getting an agreement for publication from the patient is entirely the responsibility of the corresponding author.

Graphical abstract: The graphical abstract should be well designed and beautifully illustrated to represent the aim of the manuscript so that it attracts the attention of the readers. The graphical abstract should be colored and the file should be uploaded in JPG, and TIFF formats only.


The manuscripts submitted will be initially checked for plagiarism before the review process. If plagiarism is detected in the manuscript before or during the review process, it will be rejected at any stage of time. In case if the same paper is already published in other journals or it appears elsewhere, it will be plagiarism detected and immediate action will be taken against the authors including the concerned institution and the department.

Format for Publication

Title page

The title of the manuscript should be appropriate and describe the entire content of the paper. The first page should include the authors’ names, affiliation, corresponding author’s e-mail address and phone number. The correspondence should be denoted by an asterisk mark (For E.g. Name*).


The abstract should briefly explain the scope of the research topic and the significance of the findings. The abstract should be in about 200-250 words. A maximum of 4-6 key words must be provided at the end of the abstract in a single line.


The introduction should address the reasons to select and carryout the investigation. The most recent literature related to the study should also be included. The introduction should not include the results and conclusion parts of the study.

Materials and methods

Materials and methods should comprehensively provide chemicals’ sources, technical information and instruments analyses about the studies. It should be complete enough to allow for the reproduction of the experiments. However, new and promising methodologies should provide the details of the published/ancient primary procedures and must appropriately cite relevant research articles.

If any animal study was carried out, then the animal ethical committee approval certificate should be enclosed along with the supplementary file and also be mentioned in the research paper. If any human study was performed, then the human ethical committee approval certificate should be provided in the manuscript. If the above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled, then the journal doesn’t hold any responsibility for any litigations that arise during/after the publication of the manuscript in the journal.

Results and discussion

The results and discussion section should clearly define the findings and results based on the materials and methodology. The discussion segment should be merged with results and should be compared with past relevant literature.


The manuscript should have a brief conclusion after the results and discussion section. It should provide a solid base for future studies.


This section should be used to acknowledge those who helped the authors in the research. This can include the granting bodies, research institutions, university departments, colleges but should not include the co-authors.

Tables and figures

A table should contain table number, title, footnote, and each table should be presented on a separate page as an MS word document. The tables should be followed by figures and must be in JPEG or TIFF formats only.


References should be numbered in order as mentioned in the manuscript text or according to the alphabetic order.

For example

Fana, K., Haberna, L., Waska, T., Pana, R. Microstructural characterization of natural hydroxyapatite from pig bones, Journal Name, 171 (2021) 342–353.

Hoo, Z., Sathish, T., and Kumaran, D.Preparation and characterization of Hydroxyapatite from Bovine Bones for bone tissue engineering.Journal Name, 2 (2019) 186 – 198.

Karuna, Y., Ho, E. B., Kumarasan, E. W., Rajeshkannan, P., Copper oxide doped hydroxyapatite prepared from bio-waste materials for bone implant applications. Journal Name, 48 (2020) 28557-28565

Kumar, T., Geetha, Y., Ragu, T. M. Optimization and characterization of hydroxyapatite from hydrothermal process of fish waste, Journal Name. 65 (2017) 152–163.

Siva, Y., Karthick D. T., Lee, K. M. Chitosan mediated synthesis of nanoparticles and their biomedical applications. Journal Name,257 (2019) 89–101.


On submission of the manuscript to the journal, it is understood that the work has not been previously published in any other journals or websites and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. During the submission of the manuscript for publication, the authors should provide copyrights for publication to the publisher through the corresponding e-mail address.

Open Access

Open access refers to the free, permanent, and unrestricted online accessibility of all types of manuscripts. Articles published in the International Journal of Biology and Nanobiomaterials under the terms and conditions of open access policy are fully accessible without any additional charges. This allows users to read, copy, download, print, distribute, and reuse manuscripts for citations. This open access policy is to enhance the visibility of your research work and to increase your chance of getting funders for your future research work.

Manuscript submission (IJBNB)  

The original manuscript should embed figures and tables (if available) in a word file and submitted along with the manuscript. On the successful completion of submission, the system will automatically generate a manuscript ID and is sent to the corresponding contact e-mail address.

Guidelines to be followed during submission

During the manuscript submission, please provide at least 3 potential reviewers along with their affiliations and email addresses. The manuscript evaluation is carried out by any of the suggested reviewers on the decision of the editorial board.

  • Cover letter*
  • Original manuscript*
  • Graphical abstract
  • Supplementary file

If the manuscript submission online portal is not working properly, submit your manuscript file along with 3 potential reviewers and their email addresses to directly send at


Frequency: Quarterly
Publication processing time: Within 45 days.

Publication Charges

All types of manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Biology and Nanobiomaterials are published under the open access publishing model. In this process model manuscripts are peer-reviewed under the control of the editorial board and the accepted papers appear in the journal website free of cost and can also be accessed through a google search. There are no charges for submission and review of the manuscript, but when a paper is accepted for publication, the author would pay the journal the charges of the publication fee. During the publication process, the details regarding the modes of payment are issued to the corresponding author (the payment details are given below).

Manuscripts For Indian authors For Foreign authors
Original research article,
Short communication,
Review article and Case report.
Rs. 3500 U$. 200